22 October 2021

An Update

Courtesy of Microsoft.

Dear Ladies,

I hope that everyone is feeling well, doing good, and sharing her joie de vivre with others.

To say that it has been a while would be an understatement!  The years do truly pass more quickly as one becomes older; what an honor it is to grow older, though!

Another youngster graduated from our homeschool and the local community college and is preparing to apply to RN programs throughout the US, since the eighteenth birthday has now passed.  

We continue to live in our SUV, Starlight, which replaced the intrepid Herman.

My health is my health: never really radiant but always valiant.  I remained in California for the purposes of medical treatment, but now that I have a firm diagnosis and have learned that there isn't any treatment available to me, I am, again, hoping to leave sooner rather than later.

I have set up a website for my Avon business and am working on professionalizing what has been my hobby for thirty-ish years: Family History/Genealogy.  

I am also seeking work as a Remote Administrative Assistant.  Our motto? If it's legal, we will do it!

About Homekeeping Treasures, my Etsy shop.  I took the e-books down a year ago due to copyright violations, including people printing and binding the e-books and selling them on Amazon, effectively stealing from me.  I believe that I have found a way to avoid this happening, so I plan to reopen the Etsy store in the next few weeks.

Well, that's about if from here.  I pray for you all every day and hope that you do the same for us.

Have a fascinating day!

Agape always,


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