A Fascinating Companion

Electronic (e-book) copies of A Fascinating Companion may be purchased commencing March, 2017.  A Fascinating Companion is a Marriage Enrichment curriculum that uses the late Mrs. Helen Andelin's works--Fascinating Womanhood and The Fascinating Girl--as textbooks.  Except for referring to short/ specific passages from Mrs. Andelin's works and the works of other authors, the curriculum is entirely my own work.  I plan to donate ten percent of my profits from the book to an organization that helps parents.

Update on March 3, 2017:
 A Fascinating Companion is available on my Etsy Shop.

Update on March 9, 2017:  
The e-book is available on Etsy using the link above. The advantage of using Etsy is that the e-book downloads immediately and remains on your Etsy account. 

 Update on April 24, 2017:

The e-book is also available on Lulu.com, at a slightly higher price to allow for the pricing structure differences associated with Lulu.com.  The following is a link to my author spotlight on Lulu.com:   http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/CynthiaBerenger

If you do not wish to use Etsy or Lulu, however, you may purchase the e-book directly from me.  Please contact me at berengerfamily atsign yahoodotcom for instructions.



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