30 August 2022

Someday Your Prince Will Arrive! Are You Ready?

Dear Ladies,

I hope that everyone is feeling well, doing good, and sharing her joie de vivre with others!  

When, many years ago, I rounded a corner in the hospital where I was a candy striper, I had no idea that I would meet my prince, but I did!

When, almost twenty-one years ago, I was asked to meet with a relative and her fiancé to go miniature golfing, I had no idea that I would meet my prince, but I did! 

If your vocation is to marry (and it probably is), then your prince is alive and walking on the Earth today.  You could meet him next week.  

Are you ready?

I have assembled a marriage preparation class like no other.  This class—exclusively for singles over the age of eighteen—includes all of the Advanced Marriage Enrichment Class (including the three bonus classes) + Six Extra Lessons about Attracting and Marrying Your Prince + Weekly Personal Mentoring for a Year!  

After September 1, 2022, all this will be available for just one payment of $209.95 (a savings of over $50.00) or four payments of $65.95.

Because this month marks Braveheart and Cynthia's twentieth wedding anniversary, until August 31, 2022, ONLY, new students may enroll in "How to Marry Your Prince!" at same price as Advanced Marriage Enrichment:  $110.00.  On September 1, 2022, the new pricing goes into effect. 

Visit https://cynthiaberenger.wixsite.com/cynthiaberenger/classes to learn more or email me at cynthiab2thee@yahoo.com or text me at 831-298-9141 for more information or to begin your enrollment process.

Agape always,


13 November 2021

My "Baby" Has a New Name and Address

"Dear Sweetheart" - Harrison Fisher - Public Domain

Dear Ladies,

I hope that everyone is feeling well, doing good, and sharing her joy with others.

My "baby" is my Etsy Shop, and I do hope that you like her new name and address!

The name is not terribly original; neither is the address:  

Berenger Books: Books, eBooks, ePlanners, Inspiration Packets, etc.  I included the "etc." because you never know what wacky idea I am going to come up with next.

The address is also quite uninventive, I'm afraid:  


Please stop by and give her a "love"!

Thank you!

Agape always,



22 October 2021

An Update

Courtesy of Microsoft.

Dear Ladies,

I hope that everyone is feeling well, doing good, and sharing her joie de vivre with others.

To say that it has been a while would be an understatement!  The years do truly pass more quickly as one becomes older; what an honor it is to grow older, though!

Another youngster graduated from our homeschool and the local community college and is preparing to apply to RN programs throughout the US, since the eighteenth birthday has now passed.  

We continue to live in our SUV, Starlight, which replaced the intrepid Herman.

My health is my health: never really radiant but always valiant.  I remained in California for the purposes of medical treatment, but now that I have a firm diagnosis and have learned that there isn't any treatment available to me, I am, again, hoping to leave sooner rather than later.

I have set up a website for my Avon business and am working on professionalizing what has been my hobby for thirty-ish years: Family History/Genealogy.  

I am also seeking work as a Remote Administrative Assistant.  Our motto? If it's legal, we will do it!

About Homekeeping Treasures, my Etsy shop.  I took the e-books down a year ago due to copyright violations, including people printing and binding the e-books and selling them on Amazon, effectively stealing from me.  I believe that I have found a way to avoid this happening, so I plan to reopen the Etsy store in the next few weeks.

Well, that's about if from here.  I pray for you all every day and hope that you do the same for us.

Have a fascinating day!

Agape always,


21 December 2020

RIP, Yahoo Groups

Dear Ladies,

I hope that everyone is feeling well, doing good, and sharing her joy with other people. 

Every day is an adventure, and today is no exception.  Case in point:  I logged in to my Yahoo! email and sent my group this week’s assignment on happiness. 

To my surprise, I received a bounce from the group, something that has not happened in the eighteen years I moderated the group. 

Upon investigation, I saw that Yahoo! had discontinued its group function on December 15. The notice indicated that Yahoo! had emailed all group members in October; however, I checked all of my accounts related to the group and found no notice. 

In any case, the group is gone.  

Please send an email, leave a comment with your email, or contact me on Facebook if you are interested in joining another group that I have started but wasn’t quite ready to publicize yet. 

We had a fabulous run, and it was my honor to share Mrs. Andelin’s teachings and my little “woman-to-woman” ideas with you.

Have a fascinating day!

Agape always,


14 November 2020

Sunrise, Sunset

 Dear Ladies, 

I hope that everyone is feeling well, doing good, and shedding joy all over the place!

Despite my body’s efforts to the contrary, I turned sixty recently, an age that I was not expected to achieve. 

Therefore, it’s time for the annual Birthday Special on my Advanced Marriage Enrichment course, and I have made it a big one!  

From now through November 30, 2020, you may sign up for Advanced Marriage Enrichment for a donation of just $50.00 USD.  That is $60.00 off!

The class includes everything listed on my website; plus, I am working on an audio version of my book that will only be available in the classroom and I plan to have weekly live chats that are available only through the class. 

You can read about the class here:


Have a fascinating day!

Agape always,


Updated on December 24, 2020:  Thank you, Dawn! ❤️